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A green tote bag with a label on it.

Terms and Conditions

Dane wejścia w życie: 16.10.2023 Witamy w (Strona).

Ta witryna jest dostępna i jest obsługiwana przez BOKASHI, adres firmy: 304/1-5 Solach Avenue, Little Bay, NSW 2036, Australia. (określani w istniejących warunkach jako „my”, „nas” i „nasz”). Prosimy o natychmiastowe udostępnienie dostępu do korzystania z użycia, które jest stosowane w użyciu z tej aplikacji i aplikacji z niej oraz treści udostępnianych za pośrednictwem tej witryny i naszych kanałów mediów społecznościowych, a także do korzystania z produktów w naszym sklepie internetowym („Warunki”) . Niniejsze Warunki, wraz z naszą polityką prywatności , mają zastosowanie dla wszystkich odwiedzających witrynę, subskrybentów, użytkowników i innych użytkowników naszej witryny („użytkownik”, „ty” i „twój”). 


Uzyskując dostęp i dostęp do tej Witryny, nasze kanały mediów społecznościowych i inne materiały udostępniane na tej Witrynie, spełniają nasze warunki. Czyniąc to, obciążasz, że:

  • ma ukończone 18 lat i jest możliwe, aby nastąpiło przerwanie umowy;
  • przeczytałem i zaakceptowałem warunki otwarte; I
  • będzie wyłącznikiem Warunków.  


Zastrzegamy sobie prawo do zmiany lub wprowadzenia pierwszych Warunków, które zostaną uruchomione zgodnie z ustaleniami prawa i określonymi, bez podziału. Zmiany te będą stosowane od daty opublikowania wersji na tej Stronie. Informacje o produkcie to zapoznanie się z instrukcją korzystania z Warunków przed korzystaniem z nich oraz okresowo w trakcie użytkowania z naszych stron. Jeśli następnie zostaniesz zaakceptowany, nie możesz zaakceptować dostępu do naszych stron.

Korzystanie z tej Witryny jest równoznaczne z akceptacją alternatywnych lub alternatywnych Warunków. Możesz zaakceptować warunki, które obejmują „Zgadzam się” lub „Akceptuję” lub „Kup” lub „Zarezerwuj”, jeśli taka opcja jest dostępna. Jeśli nie masz pewności co do Warunków lub czegokolwiek innego na naszym Witrynie, nie wahaj się skontaktować z nami przed dokonaniem nabycia. 


Nasza Witryna zawiera technologię intelektualną, która jest naszym źródłem i/lub powiązana stronne, które są udostępniane na licencji na treść („Licencjonowana Własność Intelektualna Stron Trzecich”), w tym, bez ograniczeń, produkty, znaki towarowe, prawa autorskie, informacje zastrzeżone, projekty, patenty, nazwa firmy, logo, obrazy, projekty, kopie, filmy, pliki audio, grafika, inne pliki i oprogramowanie („Treść”). Twoje korzystanie z naszych Witryn i jej Treści oraz dostęp do nich nie przekazują ani nie przenoszą na Ciebie żadnych praw, tytułów ani udziałów w nich.

Nie możesz modyfikować, publikować, przesyłać, uczestniczyć w przeniesieniu lub sprzedaży, tworzyć prac pochodnych, dystrybuować, wyświetlać, reprodukować lub wykonywać ani w żaden sposób wykorzystywać w jakimkolwiek formacie naszej Witryny ani jej Treści w całości lub w części bez naszej uprzedniej pisemnej zgody. Zastrzegamy sobie prawo do natychmiastowego odwołania Twojego dostępu do naszej Witryny i jej Treści bez zwrotu pieniędzy, jeśli okaże się, że naruszasz niniejsze Warunki. 


Our Site and social media channels may have links to other sites operated by third parties. Unless we expressly tell you otherwise, we do not in any way endorse, control or approve of, nor are we responsible for, the content on those sites. It’s up to you to decide if those sites and their content are suitable for you. 


These Terms also include our Privacy Policy which sets out how we use your personal information, which can be accessed here. By using this Site, you consent to the processing described in the Privacy Policy and warrant that all data provided by you is accurate.  


To place orders and access some features of our Site, you may need to register an account. This means you will have to give us accurate information including your name, your business name, address, a valid email address and telephone number and you must be at least 18 years old. You warrant that any information you provide during the account set up process is correct at the time you provide the information, and that you will update this information should there be any changes. You will be solely responsible for the activity that occurs on your account (including orders placed on your account), so be sure to keep your account password secure.

We reserve the right to suspend or cancel your account at any time, at our sole discretion, if you breach any provision of the Terms or applicable law, or where your conduct impacts our reputation.  


All prices are in Australian Dollars (AUD) and are inclusive of any Australian Goods Tax (GST) (as applicable). The prices indicated on our Site may change at any time without advance notice to you. The amount charged to you will be the price in force at the time your order is placed.

We reserve the right to modify or discontinue any product without notice at any time. We shall not be liable to you or any third party for any modification, price change, suspension or discontinuance of any product.

We reserve the right to cancel an order and provide a full refund in the event that a product has been discontinued or we do not have the stock available.

We may from time to time provide discounted products. You may only use one discount code with each purchase. We reserve the right to reject or cancel any orders where you add more than one discount code. We allow you to use discount codes strictly on the terms and conditions upon which they were issued which, amongst other things, may include terms relating to your eligibility to use them and a minimum or maximum order value. Discount codes and/or vouchers cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion.

We offer visitors who want to purchase from our Site the option to pay for the products by credit card or such other method of payment as provided at checkout. You acknowledge and agree to make timely and full payments to us for the products purchased. Where you use a credit card, you warrant that you have the necessary rights and authority to use that credit card. You authorise us to automatically charge the credit card on file for any and all payment balances owed and agree to keep all billing information current at all times. Where you fail to make payment or payment is declined for any reason, we may revoke your access to the products.

We reserve the right to cancel any order where we suspect that there is fraud or other types of illegal or unauthorised activity. 




We take care to pack your products carefully so that they won’t get damaged in transit. If, for whatever reason, they arrive damaged or faulty.

  • Incorrect orders or items received.
  • Items damaged during shipping.  


All sales items are non-returnable unless an item is proven to be damaged or faulty. 


We ask that you let us know within seven days of receiving them in the mail. We will arrange for the damaged or faulty product to be returned to us and you can let us know whether you would like us to either:

  • send a replacement to you; or
  • provide you with a refund. 

Please see details below on how to organise a return. 


To return an incorrect, faulty or damaged product, please follow the simple steps below:

  1. To let us know the issue and that you would like to arrange a product return. We will advise the best address for you to send the products to. Contact us via
  2. Pack and seal the item/s in their original shipping package and post them back to us.
  3. We will organise a refund or replacement depending on the option you have selected. Please allow for up to 14 business days to process a refund. Note that replacement delivery timeframes are subject to stock availability.

We recommend that you return the product via Registered post. Bokashi will not be responsible for parcels lost or damaged in transit if you choose not to return by Registered post. 


Restocking fees or return shipping costs may apply in certain cases.

Customers will be notified of any applicable fees or costs during the return process. 


We are more than happy to refund postage costs to return an item where the return is required due to our error, for example:

  • If the item is damaged or faulty; or
  • If we sent you the wrong item. 


1. The Seller shall be liable to the Customer (being a consumer within the meaning of Article 22[1] of the Civil Code) under warranty for defects to the extent specified in the Civil Code.

2. If the Goods have a defect, the Customer may:
a. make a statement to reduce the price or withdraw from the Sales Agreement, unless the Seller immediately and without excessive inconvenience for the Customer replaces the defective Goods with defect-free Goods.

This limitation does not apply if the Goods have already been replaced by the Seller or the Seller has failed to comply with the obligation to replace the Goods with defect-free Goods.

b. demand replacement of the defective Goods with defect-free Goods. The Seller is obliged to replace the defective Goods with defect-free Goods within a reasonable time without undue inconvenience to the Customer.

3. The Seller may refuse to satisfy the Customer’s request if bringing the Defective Goods into conformity with the Sales Agreement in a manner chosen by the Customer is impossible or, in comparison with the other possible manner of bringing them into conformity with the Sales Agreement, would require excessive costs. The cost of replacement shall be borne by the Seller.

4. Complaints should be addressed to the following address of the Seller’s warehouses:

Poland: Maszkowo 20, 75-640 Koszalin

Australia: 304/1-5 Solarch Avenue Little Bay NSW 2036.

The Seller will consider them within 14 days.

5. In the case of a Customer who is a Consumer, the cost of delivery of the claimed Goods shall be covered by the Seller.


Any disputes or disagreements related to returns and refunds will be resolved through negotiation or mediation in accordance with our Website Terms and Conditions. In the event of unresolved disputes, the parties may seek resolution through arbitration or small claims court as applicable.


These Terms also include our Shipping Policy.  


You acknowledge and agree that you will be bound by any affirmation, acceptance or agreement that is transmitted through this Site, including but not limited to any consent you provide to receive communications from us by means of electronic transmission.

You further acknowledge and agree that when you click on or tick “I agree”, “I consent”, or other similarly worded click or tick options by electronic means, your agreement will be legally binding and enforceable and will be deemed to be as effective as if you had written your signature by hand. 


Any information provided on our Site, through blog posts, product descriptions or any other content, is of a general informational nature only and is not intended to constitute or replace professional advice for individual or specific situations. We do not purport to be any type of licensed professional and cannot be held liable for any reliance on the information we provide, either on our Site or through our products.

We do not accept responsibility for determining whether our products are appropriate for you. We reserve the right to deny service and refund the cost of that product for any reason, including where we believe that the product would be dangerous or not appropriate for you, or we believe that further professional advice should be sought.

The sale of products on our Site or reference to any other products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation of said products unless explicitly stated otherwise.  


You agree to only use the products for their intended purpose and in accordance with any guidelines or directions (Guidelines) as set out on the packaging. Any use of the products by you outside of these Guidelines is at your own risk and you assume full responsibility for any loss or damage arising from such use.

Due to the nature of handmade products, what you receive may differ somewhat from the images that appear on our Site. By proceeding with your purchase, you acknowledge that these images are provided for illustrative purposes only.

We do not accept responsibility for any products that do not produce the results you desire or expect. Any statements made about the products on our Site have not been assessed by the National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission or any other scheme or regulator.

Please check the ingredients of any product before purchase to avoid any potential sensitivities and/or allergic reactions. You bear sole responsibility for deciding if the products offered on our Site are suitable for you and your needs. We recommend that you consult with a medical practitioner regarding your use of any of the products available on our Site.

Products made available on our Site are for personal use only (including any samples we provide). You must not sell or attempt to resell any products and/or samples obtained or purchased from us. 


We always appreciate interaction on our social media channels and feedback about our Site and our products. You may be invited to submit a review after you have made a purchase, or you can comment on our blog or interact with us via our social media channels. We love to hear from you!

Where you do decide to submit such feedback, comments or content, you:

  • warrant that you are the sole author and owner of the intellectual property and any other rights in that content (or have the right to use that content with appropriate consents and permissions);
  • give us permission to post or otherwise use that feedback on our social media or other channels;
  • waive any and all existing and future moral rights (as defined in the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)) in the content you provide us with;
  • warrant that the content does not violate these Terms; and
  • warrant that you are at least 18 years old.  

We reserve the right to remove a review or comment if it:

  • contains libellous or otherwise unlawful, abusive or obscene material;
  • attacks our employees or another contributor;
  • contains material that discloses your personal information; or
  • is unrelated to the post or content that you have reviewed or commented on.

Our Site and social media channels may feature user reviews of the products as well as blogs by guest bloggers. These reviews and the content of the guest blogs in no way represent our views or opinions, but are the sole product of their creator. We disclaim all liability with respect to any content submitted by any user or guest blogger.  


We may from time to time run competitions through our Site and/or through our social media channels. Your participation in those competitions is subject to these Terms and any terms and conditions that are specific to each competition.  


On our Site, we present real life examples of and insights into other people’s experiences for illustrative purposes only. Any results personally achieved are due to the individuals’ unique situations. These testimonials demonstrate what can be possible, but are not intended to represent or guarantee that any current or future customers will achieve the same or similar results.  


In addition to any other prohibitions, you must not, under any circumstances:

  • use our Site or its content for any unlaw
  • attempt to change, remove, deface, hack or otherwise interfere with this Site or any material or content displayed on our Site
  • hack into any aspect of the Site, corrupt data, or cause annoyance to other users;
  • infringe upon the rights of any person’s proprietary rights;
  • send any unsolicited advertising or promotional material, commonly referred to as “spam”; or
  • attempt to affect the performance or functionality of any computer facilities of or accessed through this Site.  


This Site is provided on an as is basis, and to the fullest extent permitted by law, we make no representations or warranties about our Site and/or the products we sell, including that:

  • they are suitable, reliable, complete, secure, accurate or fit for any particular purpose;
  • access will be free of any harmful components (including viruses) or other code that is harmful or may assist in causing harm; or
  • there is no possibility of failure to store communications or other data. 


To the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws, in no event are we responsible for any losses or expenses, however arising, including, without limitation, any direct, indirect and/or present, unascertained, future or contingent loss of use, loss of data, loss caused by a virus, loss of income or profit or projected profit, loss or damage to property, claims of third parties, or other losses of any kind or character arising from or in connection with your use of our Site and/or our products, your inability to access our Site, interruption or outage of our Site or any inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date content provided on our Site. Our liability for any breach of a condition or warranty under these Terms shall be limited to the extent provided for by the Australian Consumer Law (Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010).  


To the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws, you agree to indemnify, and hold us and our related entities, affiliates, and our and their respective officers, agents and employees harmless from any loss, liability, claim, or demand, (including reasonable legal fees on a full indemnity basis), made by any third party due to or arising out of your use of this Site in violation of these Terms and/or arising from a breach of these Terms and/or any breach of your representations and warranties set out in these Terms or your breach of any law or the rights of a third party.  


The agreement constituted between us by your use of our Site may be terminated where you breach any provision of these Terms, or at any time by us without notice, in which case all disclaimers and limitations of liability will survive termination, and you will no longer be authorised to access our Site.  


Jeżeli jakikolwiek warunek lub postanowienie niniejszych Warunków zostanie uznany przez właściwy sąd za sprzeczne z prawem, postanowienie to zostanie zmienione i zinterpretowane w sposób jak najlepiej realizujący cele pierwotnego postanowienia w najszerszym zakresie dozwolonym przez prawo, a pozostałe postanowienia niniejszych Warunków zachowają pełną moc i skuteczność.  


Mamy prawo do zaprzestania korzystania z tej Witryny. Jeśli zdecydujemy się to zrobić, możemy to zrobić w dowolnym momencie i bez powiadomienia. Możemy również wykluczyć dowolną osobę z korzystania z naszej Witryny w dowolnym momencie i według naszego wyłącznego uznania. Nie będziemy ponosić odpowiedzialności za jakąkolwiek odpowiedzialność, którą możesz ponieść w związku z takim zaprzestaniem lub wykluczeniem.  


Mamy prawo do cesji lub w inny sposób, który istnieje w naszym prawie i/lub rozwiązaniu z wyjściowych Warunków bez konieczności odłączania lub uzyskiwania zgody. Jednak nie masz prawa do cesji lub w inny sposób uzyskiwania praw i/lub rozwiązania z wytworzonych Warunków. 


Niniejsze Warunki (wraz z naszą Polityką Prywatności ) obejmują całość i umowę między nami a Ty w odniesieniu do stosowania przez Ciebie z tej Witryny i zastępują wszystkie wcześniejsze komunikaty, zawarte w umowie, ustne, zawarte lub, dotyczące tej Witryn i stosowania przez Ciebie elektroniczne z tej Witryny.  


Wszystkie warunki będą interpretowane zgodnie z prawem stanu NSW w Australii i będą regulowane pod każdym względem przez prawo. W związku z powyższymi sporami prosimy o kontakt z nami w pierwszej kolejności, aby obie strony przynosiły korzyści, działając w dobrej wierze, a także przyczyniając się do naszego wzajemnego zadowolenia, w sposób następujący najsprawniejszy i najbardziej opłacalny. W przypadku niemożności rozwiązań sporu rozstrzygasz, że wyłącznej jurysdykcji sądów stanu NSW w Australii. 
